See also: до and Appendix:Variations of "do"
From Proto-Slavic *do.
до- • (do-)
Usage notes
- The stressed variant is found in the following situations:
- the past participle of verbs with a one-syllable root ending in -ать: e.g. до́сланный (dóslannyj) from досла́ть (doslátʹ), до́рванный (dórvannyj) from дорва́ть (dorvátʹ);
- the past tense of some verbs with a one-syllable root: e.g. до́лил, доли́л (dólil, dolíl, masculine singular past tense) from доли́ть (dolítʹ, “to fill by pouring, to pour more”);
- some deverbal nouns: e.g. до́говор (dógovor, “contract, agreement, treaty”) from договори́ться (dogovorítʹsja, “to agree”), до́мысел (dómysel, “guesswork, speculation”) from домы́слить (domýslitʹ), до́пуск (dópusk, “access, admittance”) from допуска́ть (dopuskátʹ, “to admit”);
- some adverbs: e.g. до́низу (dónizu, “to the bottom”), до́чиста (dóčista, “until spotless”).
Derived terms
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_prefixed_with_%D0%B4%D0%BE-' title='Category:Russian words prefixed with до-'>Russian words prefixed with до-</a>
Related terms
- до (do)
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