Alternative forms
- пол- (pol-) (especially in the nominative case)
From Old East Slavic полъ (polŭ), from Proto-Slavic *polъ (“half”).
- IPA(key): [ˌpolʊ]
полу- • (polu-)
- (highly productive, takes nouns, produces compound nouns) semi-, demi-, half-[1]
- полукру́г ― polukrúg ― semicircle
- полумра́к ― polumrák ― semi-darkness, shade, twilight
- полуо́стров ― poluóstrov ― peninsula
- полусо́н ― polusón ― half asleep, drowse
- полупроводни́к ― poluprovodník ― semiconductor
- полуавтома́т ― poluavtomát ― semi-automatic
- (highly productive, takes nouns in genitive case, produces compound nouns) semi-, demi-, half- paired with пол- form[2]
- полкомнаты ― polkomnaty ― half-rooms
- полпроцента ― polprocenta ― half a percent
- полведра́ ― polvedrá ― half a bucket
- полчаса́ ― polčasá ― half an hour
- пол-очка́ ― pol-očká ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- пол-Москвы́ ― pol-Moskvý ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полмира ― polmira ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полбеды ― polbedy ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полсуток ― polsutok ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- по́лдень ― póldenʹ ― midday; noon
- по́лночь ― pólnočʹ ― midnight
- полу́дня ― polúdnja ― midday; noon
- полу́ночи ― polúnoči ― midnight
- (takes adjective, produces compound adjective) semi-, demi-, half-[3]
- полушерстяно́й ― polušerstjanój ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полулега́льный ― polulegálʹnyj ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полуосвещённый ― poluosveščónnyj ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полувьющийся ― poluvʹjuščijsja ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- (productive, takes verbs, produces compound verbs) incompletely[4]
- полузакрыть ― poluzakrytʹ ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полулежа́ть ― poluležátʹ ― (Perfective verb; я полежу́, ты полежишь) To lie for a while; to lie down for a while. To recline
- полуодеть ― poluodetʹ ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полусидеть ― polusidetʹ ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полуистлеть ― poluistletʹ ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полускрыть ― poluskrytʹ ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полусгибается ― polusgibajetsja ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- (takes adverb, produces compound adverb) incompletely[5]
- полулёжа ― poluljóža ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полусидя ― polusidja ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полушутя ― polušutja ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полутемно ― polutemno ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полушутя ― polušutja ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полувсерьез ― poluvserʹjez ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- полунаугад ― polunaugad ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
Usage notes
- When the meaning of "half" is still present in a word with this prefix, this prefix almost always receives secondary stress and the /o/ vowel is almost never reduced.
Derived terms
- полубо́г (polubóg)
- полубоги́ня (polubogínja)
- полуавтомати́ческий (poluavtomatíčeskij)
- полуме́ры (poluméry)
- полумёртвый (polumjórtvyj)
- полугодок (polugodok)
- полукро́вок (polukróvok)
- полушалок (polušalok)
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_nouns_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%83-' title='Category:Russian nouns prefixed with полу-'>Russian nouns prefixed with полу-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_nouns_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB-' title='Category:Russian nouns prefixed with пол-'>Russian nouns prefixed with пол-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_adjectives_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%83-' title='Category:Russian adjectives prefixed with полу-'>Russian adjectives prefixed with полу-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_verbs_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%83-' title='Category:Russian verbs prefixed with полу-'>Russian verbs prefixed with полу-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_adverbs_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%83-' title='Category:Russian adverbs prefixed with полу-'>Russian adverbs prefixed with полу-</a>
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Russian_words_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%83-' title='Category:Russian words prefixed with полу-'>Russian words prefixed with полу-</a>
- §551.г of Грамматика русского языка, volume 1
- §552 of Грамматика русского языка, volume 1
- §756.4 of Грамматика русского языка, volume 1
- §960.1 of Грамматика русского языка, volume 1
- §1026 of Грамматика русского языка, volume 1
From Proto-Slavic *polъ (“half”).
Derived terms
- по̏лубо̄г
- полубогиња
- полуауто̀матскӣ
- по̏лугла̄с
- полуфина́ле
- полуго̀дӣште
- полукрван
- по̏лумје̄р
- по̏лумјесе̄ц/по̏лумесе̄ц
- по̏лумра̄к
- полуострво
- по̏луоток
- по̏луписмен
- полуврије́ме
► <a class='CategoryTreeLabel CategoryTreeLabelNs14 CategoryTreeLabelCategory' href='/wiki/Category:Serbo-Croatian_words_prefixed_with_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%83-' title='Category:Serbo-Croatian words prefixed with полу-'>Serbo-Croatian words prefixed with полу-</a>
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