ن ش ء

See also: نشء



ن ش ء (n-š-ʾ)

  1. related to being raised, to become higher, to be lifted
  2. related to raising and rearing, to growing
  3. relate to an event or thing arising, to come up
  • نَشَأَ (našaʾa), يَنْشَأُ (yanšaʾu)
    • Verbal noun: نَشْء m (našʾ), نَشْأَة f (našʾa), نُشُوء m (nušūʾ)
    • Active participle: نَاشِئ (nāšiʾ)
    • Passive participle: مَنْشُوء (manšūʾ)
  • نَشَّأَ (naššaʾa), يُنَشِّئُ (yunaššiʾu)
    • Verbal noun: تَنْشِئَة f (tanšiʾa)
    • Active participle: مُنَشِّئ (munaššiʾ)
    • Passive participle: مُنَشَّأ (munaššaʾ)
  • أَنْشَأَ (ʾanšaʾa), يُنْشِئُ (yunšiʾu)
    • Verbal noun: إِنْشَاء m (ʾinšāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُنْشِئ (munšiʾ)
    • Passive participle: مُنْشَأ (munšaʾ)
  • تَنَشَّأَ (tanaššaʾa)
    • Verbal noun: تَنَشُّؤ m (tanaššuʾ)
    • Active participle: مُتَنَشِّئ (mutanaššiʾ)
    • Passive participle: مُتَنَشَّأ (mutanaššaʾ)
  • اِسْتَنْشَأَ (istanšaʾa)
    • Verbal noun: اِسْتِنْشَاء m (istinšāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُسْتَنْشِئ (mustanšiʾ)
    • Passive participle: مُسْتَنْشَأ (mustanšaʾ)
Nouns and adjectives
  • مَنْشَأ m (manšaʾ)
  • مُنْشَأَة f (munšaʾa)
  • مَنْشَأَة f (manšaʾa)
  • إِنْشَائِيّ (ʾinšāʾiyy)
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