


From Proto-Indo-Aryan *kadáH, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *kadáH. Cognate with Avestan 𐬐𐬀𐬛𐬁 (kadā, when).



कदा (kadā́)

  1. when, at what time?
  2. someday, one day
    कदा नkadā nanever
    कदा चित्kadā citat some time
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 8.5.22:
      कदा वां तौग्र्यो विधत्समुद्रे जहितो नरा ।
      यद्वां रथो विभिष्पतात् ॥
      kadā vāṃ taugryo vidhatsamudre jahito narā .
      yadvāṃ ratho vibhiṣpatāt .
      When did the son of Tugra serve you, Men? Abandoned in the sea,
      That with winged steeds your car might fly.
  3. how?
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 7.29.3:
      का ते अस्त्यरंकृतिः सूक्तैः कदा नूनं ते मघवन्दाशेम ।
      विश्वा मतीरा ततने त्वायाधा म इन्द्र शृणवो हवेमा ॥
      kā te astyaraṃkṛtiḥ sūktaiḥ kadā nūnaṃ te maghavandāśema .
      viśvā matīrā tatane tvāyādhā ma indra śṛṇavo havemā .
      What satisfaction do our hymns afford thee? When, Maghavan? Now let us do thee service.
      Hymns, only hymns, with love for thee, I weave thee: then hear, O Indra, these mine invocations.


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