


लम्ब् (lamb)

  1. (cf. √1. रम्ब्) cl.1 Ā. (Dhātup. x, 15) लम्बते (mc. also °ति ; pf. ललम्बे MBh. &c. ; aor. अलम्बिष्ट Gr. ; fut. लम्बिता ib. ; लम्बिष्यति MBh. ; inf. लम्बितुम् ib. ; ind.p. -लम्ब्य ib.), to hang down, depend, dangle, hang from or on (loc.) Suparṇ. MBh. &c.
  2. to sink, go down, decline, fall, set (as the sun) MBh. Kāv. &c.
  3. to be fastened or attached to, cling to, hold or rest on (loc.) ib.
  4. to fall or stay behind, be retarded Sūryas.
  5. to tag, loiter, delay, tarry MBh. : Caus. लम्बयति (aor. अललम्बत्), to cause to hang down or depend, let down Kathās.
  6. to hang up, suspend ib.
  7. to cause to be attached or joined MW.
  8. to stretch out, extend (the hand) for (dat.) Ragh.
  9. (prob.) to depress, discourage MBh. i, 1445 (C. लङ्घयित्वा for लम्बयित्वा): Desid. लिलम्बिषते, to be about to sink or decline Hcar. v.l. ([cf. Gk. λοβός ; Lat. labi, labare, labes ; Germ. lappa, Lappen ; Eng. lap, limp.])

Derived terms


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