- Ačaṙean, Hračʿeay (1971–1979), “կատու”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Dictionary of Armenian Root Words] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press
- Marr, N. (1910), “კატუ”, in Grammatika čanskago (lazskago) jazyka s xrestomatijeju i slovarem [Grammar of the Chan (Laz) Language with a Reader and a Dictionary] (Materialy po jafetičeskomu jazykoznaniju; 2) (in Russian), Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences
- Ačaṙean, Hračʿeay (1971–1979), “կատու”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Dictionary of Armenian Root Words] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press
- Kipšidze, I. (1910), “კატუ”, in Grammatika mingrelʹskago (iverskago) jazyka s xrestomatijeju i slovarem [Grammar of the Mingrelian (Iverian) Language with a Reader and a Dictionary] (Materialy po jafetičeskomu jazykoznaniju; 7) (in Russian), Saint Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences
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