
See also: Htp


FWOTD – 27 May 2014



  • (reconstructed) IPA(key): /ˈħaːtip//ˈħaːtip//ˈħoːtəp/



  1. peace, satisfaction
    • 12th Dynasty, Stela of Amenemhat, British Museum, Egyptian Antiquities, E567:

      ḏd.t(w) n.f jjw m ḥtp jn wrw nw ꜣbḏw
      May "welcome in peace" be said to him by the great of Abydos.
  2. an altar
  3. an offering, sacrifice
    • Standard Offering formula:

      ḥtp-ḏj-nswt wsjr nb ḏdw nṯr ꜥꜣ nb ꜣbḏw […]
      A royal offering of Osiris, Lord of Djedu, the Great God, Lord of Abydos, […]


Derived terms

Proper noun


  1. A male given name, Hetep or Hotep



  1. (transitive) to satisfy, to make content
  2. (intransitive) to be(come) content or satisfied (+ m: with)
  3. (intransitive) to (go to) rest, to be(come) at peace
  4. (intransitive, of the sun) to set


Alternative forms

Derived terms



  1. Loprieno, Antonio (1995) Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 36
  • James P[eter] Allen (2010) Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 274.
  • Hoch, James (1997) Middle Egyptian Grammar, Mississauga: Benben Publications, →ISBN, page 70
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