
See also: きどう



きとう (rōmaji kitō)

  1. 気筒: cylinder (part of an engine)
  2. 季冬: end of winter; twelfth month of the lunar calendar
  3. 祈祷: prayer
  4. 既倒: decided fall
  5. 帰投: returning to base (of an aircraft, ship, soldier, etc)
  6. 帰東: returning to the east
  7. 帰島: returning to an island (of one who lived there)
  8. 飢凍: starving and freezing
  9. 亀頭: glans


きとうする (rōmaji kitō suru)

  1. 祈祷: pray
  2. 帰投: return to base (of an aircraft, ship, soldier, etc)
  3. 帰東: return to the east
  4. 帰島: return to an island (of one who lived there)
  5. 飢凍: starve and freeze

Proper noun

きとう (rōmaji Kitō)

  1. 鬼頭: A surname.
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