


せいたい (rōmaji seitai)

  1. 世態:
  2. 正体:
  3. 正対: meeting face-to-face, confronting directly
  4. 生体: biological organism
  5. 生態: ecology as the object of the study of ecology: mode of life
  6. 成体: adult organism
  7. 声帯: vocal cords
  8. 青苔: green moss
  9. 青黛:
  10. 政体: constitution, form of government
  11. 聖体: the Body of Christ, Holy Communion
  12. 製袋: bag manufacturing
  13. 静態: stationary, static
  14. 整体: seitai, a type of therapy
  15. 臍帯: umbilical cord


せいたいする (rōmaji seitai suru)

  1. 正対: confront directly
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