See also: 清热药
medicine; drug; cure | |||
trad. (清熱藥) | 清熱 | 藥 | |
simp. (清热药) | 清热 | 药 |
- (traditional Chinese medicine) heat-clearing materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine (i.e. herbs and other medicinal substances that are used to relieve heat symptoms, such as sore throats and mouth ulcers)
清熱瀉火 (herbs used to clear heat and purge fire)
- 梔子, fruit of Gardenia
- 石膏, gypsum
- 天花粉, root of Trichosanthes
- 知母, rhizome of Anemarrhena
- 蘆根, rhizome of Phragmites
- 决明子, seed of Cassia
- 夏枯草, Prunella plant
- 谷精草, pipewort
- 青箱子, seed of the cockscomb
- 淡竹葉, bland leaf of the bamboo
- 竹葉, leaf of the bamboo
- 寒水石, calcitum
- 鴨跖草, dayflower
- 青葙子
- 密蒙花
清热凉血 (herbs used to clear heat and cool blood)
- 水牛角, horn of water buffalo
- 犀角, horn of rhinoceros
- 牡丹皮, root-bark of moutan peony
- 赤芍, root of red peony
- 生地黃, root of Rehmannia
- 玄参, root of Scrophularia
- 紫草, root of Arnebia or Lithospermum
清热燥湿 (herbs to clear heat and eliminate dampness)
- 秦皮, bark of Fraxinus
- 白鲜皮, bark of the baixian
- 黃芩, root of Scutellaria
- 黃蓮, rhizome of Coptis
- 黃柏, bark of Phellodendron
- 龍膽草, root of Gentiana
- 苦参, root of Sophora flavescens
- 椿皮, bark of the Heavenly tree Ailanthus
清熱解毒 (herbs used to clear heat and toxics)
- 忍冬藤, stem of Lonicera japonica
- 金銀花, flower of Lonicera japonica
- 大青葉, leaf of Isatis
- 連翹, fruit of Forsythia
- 穿心蓮, Andrographis plant
- 魚腥草, Houttuynia plant
- 敗醬草, Patrinia plant
- 馬齒莧, Portulaca
- 蒲公英, dandelion or Taraxacum
- 紫花地丁, Viola philippica
- 青黛, Indigo naturalis
- 白頭翁, root of the Pulsatilla
- 射干, rhizome of the Belamcanda
- 红藤, stem of the Sargentodoxa
- 板藍根, root of the Isatis
- 山豆根, root of the Sophora tonkinensis
- 土茯苓, wild tuckahoe
- 北豆根, root of the Asian moonseed
- 山慈菇, bulb of the Pleione
- 四季青 leaf of the Chinese holly
- 地錦草, wolf grass
- 金麥, rhizome of the wild buckwheat
- 拳參, rhizome of the bistort
- 蚤休, rhizome of the manyleaf Paris Paris polyphylla
- 馬勃, puff-ball
- 馬齒莧, purslane
- 貫叢, rhizome of the filix
- 墓回頭, muhuitou
- 漏蘆, root of the globethistle
- 綠豆衣, skin of the mung bean
- 鴉膽子, fruit of the Brucea javanica
- 白毛夏枯草
- 金蕎麥
- 山慈姑
- 熊膽
- 垂盆草
清虛熱 (herbs to clear deficiency heat)
- 地骨皮, bark of the Lycium radicum
- 青蒿, Artemisia annua plant
- 白薇, root of the Vincetoxicum atratum (syn. Cynanchum atratum)
- 銀柴胡, root of the Stellaria
- 胡黃連, rhizome of the Picrorhiza
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