- IPA(key)[wʌ̹na̠k̚]
- Phonetic Hangul[워낙]
워낙 • (wonak)
- so, very
- 우리는 워낙 졸아서 잠을 더 자야한다.
- Urineun wonak joraseo jameul deo jayahanda.
- We are so tired that we need more sleep.
- by nature, usually, always
- 철수는 워낙 감기에 잘 걸려서 문제지.
- Cheolsuneun wonak gamgie jal geollyeoseo munjeji.
- Cheol-su usually catches a cold so easily, so it is a problem.
- 영희는 워낙에 목소리가 아름답지.
- Yeonghuineun wonage moksoriga areumdapji.
- Yeong-hui always has a beautiful voice.
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