From 하십시오 (hasipsio), formal and polite imperative of 하— (ha-, “to do”) + 체 (che, “style”)
- IPA(key)[ha̠ɕʰipɕ͈io̞t͡ɕʰe̞]
- Phonetic Hangul[하십씨오체]
Usage notes
하십시오체 (hasipsioche) is a speech level used commonly between strangers, among male co-workers, by TV announcers, and to customers. Like other speech levels, it is applied to verbs and adjectives to reflect the relationship between the speaker and the audience. It is independent from the honorific, which reflects the relationships with the referent of the subject.
Korean words inflected in this speech level are characterized by the suffix —ᆸ니다 (mnida) in the indicative mood. In the imperative mood, it is always used with the honorific —시— (si-), together characterized by the suffix —십시오 (sipsio). E.g.:
- 합니다 (hamnida): (formal, polite, indicative) "does"
- 하십시오 (hasipsio): (formal, polite, imperative) "please do"
- (until 1997) 합쇼체 (hapsyoche)
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