Allahu akbar

See also: allahu akbar


Alternative forms


From Arabic اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر (allāhu ʾakbar), from nominative form of اللّٰه (allāh, God) + أَكْبَر (ʾakbar), elative form of كَبِير (kabīr, great).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /ˌaləhuː ˈakbɑː/, /əˌlɑːhuː ˈakbɑː/


Allahu akbar

  1. (Islam) "God is most great"; the Muslim takbir, or liturgical proclamation, used to accept sovereignty of God and as a common form of thanksgiving. [from 17th c.]
    • 1742, James Fraser, The History of Nadir Shah, London 1742, p. 126n:
      Tokbîr is repeating three times these Words, اللّٰه أكبر Allah Akbar, which is to say, GOD is Greatest, before the Kelmah abovementioned.
    • 2004, Yuri Bagrov, The Guardian, 22 Jun 2004:
      The official said it was not immediately clear who the attackers were, but said some of them were shouting "Allahu Akbar" - a frequent cry of Chechnya's separatist rebels.


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