
See also: berner



From Bernie + -er.



Berner (plural Berners)

  1. A supporter of Bernie Sanders.
    • 2016 June 6, Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez, "As SF ‘feels the Bern’ and touts #ImWithHer, turnout numbers strong", SF Examiner.
      Leaving City Hall with a smile, he mirrored the Berner’s excitement, but for Hillary. “She has the strongest record,” he said.
    • 2016 October 1, Reena Flores, "Hillary Clinton comments on Bernie Sanders supporters in leaked recording", CBS News.
      Nick Merrill, Clinton’s press secretary, issued this response on Twitter, citing the words of Mike Casca, Sanders’ deputy communications director and a “die-hard” Berner.
    • 2017 April 11, Joe Garofoli, "Fueled by Trump resistance, Sanders’ influence grows with Dems", San Francisco Chronicle.
      Some, like the Indivisible network that has spawned more than 5,000 chapters nationwide, have tapped into the same organizational formula the Berners did.
    • 2017 July 21, Eric Bradner and Gregory Krieg, "Sanders' Iowa roots continue to bloom -- whether or not he runs in 2020", CNN.
      "We have almost enough Berners to hold the majority. It's real close," he said.
    Synonym: Sanderista



Berner m (genitive Berners, plural Berner)

  1. Bernese


Derived terms

  • Bernerin


Berner (not comparable)

  1. Bernese


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