


  • IPA(key): /bhaˈrato/
  • Hyphenation: Bha‧ra‧to
  • Rhymes: -ato

Proper noun

Bharato (accusative Bharato)

  1. Alternative form of Barato (India)
    • 2007, Jorge Camacho, Beletra Almanako 1 (BA1 - Literaturo en Esperanto), Mondial ISBN 9781595690852, page 79
      ... pordo al Bharato, fenestro al Japanujo, pontoj al Finnujo kaj Tajvano, ...
      ... a door to India, a window to Japan, bridges to Finland and Taiwan, ...
    • 1907, La Revuo orienta ...
      ... patrino de Bharato, ...
      ... mother of India, ...
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