C@NearFinger-PalmForwardHandUp-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp RoundHoriz C@NearFinger-PalmBackHandUp-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp

American Sign Language

Alternative forms

  • (with the dominant thumb touching the nondominant index finger) C@Finger-PalmForwardHandUp-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp RoundHoriz C@Finger-PalmBackHandUp-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp


From initial letter C of the English word culture, using a movement similar to the ASL sign S@NearFinger-PalmForwardHandUp-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp RoundHoriz S@NearFinger-PalmBackHandUp-1@CenterChesthigh-FingerUp (society, situation), indicating that which surrounds (represented by the dominant hand sweeping around) an individual (represented by the nondominant “1” hand).


  • This two-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the nondominant hand in the “1” handshape in front of the center of the chest, extended finger(s) of the nondominant hand pointing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “C” shape within a couple of inches of the extended finger of the nondominant hand, palm of the dominant hand facing forward and oriented so the whole hand points up.
    2. Move the dominant hand in an arc, first toward the dominant side, then forward, then back toward the nondominant side. While doing so, rotate the dominant hand from palm-forward orientation to palm-back. The nondominant hand does not move.
    3. Posture the nondominant hand in the “1” handshape in front of the center of the chest, extended finger(s) of the nondominant hand pointing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “C” shape within a couple of inches of the extended finger of the nondominant hand, palm of the dominant hand facing back and oriented so the whole hand points up.
    4. Hold both hands still briefly.


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  1. culture
    • 2009, abcohende, American Deaf Culture, 0:01:05:
      (ASL gloss) TWO CULTURES, AMERICAN CULTURE [on one side], [on the other side] DEAF CULTURE — “[There are] two cultures: American culture on one side, Deaf culture on the other.”


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  1. cultural
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