


From Espisto + -a. Could also be realized as a shortened form of Esperantista.


  • IPA(key): /ɛsˈpi.sta/



  1. Esperantist
    • 1914, Suplemento, page 6:
      Espisti faliigar la senpartisa propozo da urbestro LINDHAGEN ed altri en la Sueda parlamento (1912), pri la « konverto » of So WAVRINSKY, pri la sucesi di Ido en Hungaria, ed atencigas fine la nuna deklaro dil Espisti, ke l'autoritati ne povas e ne darfas « kaptar » Espo e l'institucuri Espista. La vivanta linguo di vivanta populo certe balde esos sekreta linguo dil vivinta sekto homarana. E ni Idisti esperas, ke l'autoritati sempre esos plu erudita kam suspektas la Espisti »!
      Esperantists are causing the partyless proposition by mayor LINDHAGEN and others in the Swedish parlament (1912), concerning the "conversion" of Mr. WAVRINSKY, about the success of Ido in Hungary to fail, and are finally putting to attention the current decleration of the Esperantists, that authorities are not able to and cannot legally "capture" Esperanto and the Esperantist institutions. The living language of a living people will soon certainly be a secret language of the living human sect. And we Idists hope, that authorities will always be better taught than what the Esperantists will suspect"!
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