
See also: huitzilopochtli


Huitzilopochtli as depicted in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis.

Alternative forms

  • Uitzilopochtli
  • Vitzilopuchtli, Vitzliputzli (obsolete)


Borrowed from Spanish Huitzilopochtli, from a Nahuatl [Term?] language; compare Classical Nahuatl Huitzilopochtli.

Proper noun


  1. An important god of the Mexica.
    • 1578, Nicholas, Thomas, The Pleasant Historie of the Conquest of the VVeast India, London: Henry Bynneman, translation of Historia general de las Indias by Francisco López de Gómara, page 78:
      after Sacrifice made to the Goddes of warre, called Tezcatlipuca and Vitzilopuchtli of their carkaſſes, then is theyr fleſhe eaten in banquet
    • 1625, Purchas, Samuel, Purchas His Pilgrimes, volume 3, London: William Stansby, page 1002:
      They did worſhip the Idoll Vitzliputzli, the Deuill that was in this Idoll ſpake, and gouerned this Nation eaſily.

Classical Nahuatl

Alternative forms


From huītzilin (hummingbird) + ōpōchtli (left, left-hand side), literally “hummingbird's left”, or perhaps "hummingbird's south".


  • IPA(key): /wiːt͡siloːpoːt͡ʃt͡ɬi/
  • IPA(key): [ˌwiː.t͡sil.ˈóː.poːt͡ʃ.t͡ɬi]

Proper noun


  1. Huitzilopochtli
    • 16C: Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex, first book
      Vitzilubuchtli: çan maceoalli, çan tlacatl catca: naoalli, tetzaujtl, atlacacemelle, teixcuepaj: quijiocoianj in iaoiutl, iaotecanj, iaotlatoanj:
    • 17C: Crónica Mexicayotl
      auh yntlapial catca quitlatlauhtiaya quiteomatia yn aquin quitocayotiaya tetzahuitl huitzilopochtli.
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