

Proper noun


  1. A surname.
  2. An unincorporated community in Washington County, Indiana, USA.
  3. A village in Alcorn County, Mississippi, USA.
  4. An unincorporated community in Auglaize County, Ohio, USA.
  5. A town in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, USA.

Derived terms



  • IPA(key): [ˈkoʃut]
  • Hyphenation: Kos‧suth

Proper noun


  1. A surname.


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative Kossuth Kossuthok
accusative Kossuthot Kossuthokat
dative Kossuthnak Kossuthoknak
instrumental Kossuthtal Kossuthokkal
causal-final Kossuthért Kossuthokért
translative Kossuthtá Kossuthokká
terminative Kossuthig Kossuthokig
essive-formal Kossuthként Kossuthokként
inessive Kossuthban Kossuthokban
superessive Kossuthon Kossuthokon
adessive Kossuthnál Kossuthoknál
illative Kossuthba Kossuthokba
sublative Kossuthra Kossuthokra
allative Kossuthhoz Kossuthokhoz
elative Kossuthból Kossuthokból
delative Kossuthról Kossuthokról
ablative Kossuthtól Kossuthoktól
Possessive forms of Kossuth
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Kossuthom Kossuthjaim
2nd person sing. Kossuthod Kossuthjaid
3rd person sing. Kossuthja Kossuthjai
1st person plural Kossuthunk Kossuthjaink
2nd person plural Kossuthotok Kossuthjaitok
3rd person plural Kossuthjuk Kossuthjaik

Derived terms

  • kossuthi

(Compound words):

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