


Muslim + -est



  1. (nonstandard) superlative form of Muslim: most Muslim
    • 1945, Anugraha Nārāyaṇa Siṃha, To Phillip sober: a guide to the communal problem in India, page 39
      They must be met in non-Islamic ways even by the Muslimest of Muslims. And could the purity of an Islamic homeland be respected, even if achieved?
    • 2011, John Richards, Jesus is Alive and Appearing Everywhere But Camden, page 185
      “And you and God the Father on either side of them?” “Like bookends.” “You are aware that Muhammad Ali is a Muslim?” “Yea, the Muslimest.” “Well, how about Frank Sinatra? Did he get left out?”
    • 2014, Thomas Becker, Huddud Law. You can rape the top UMNO politician's daughter. Make sure you do not have four ... Group: soc.culture.malaysia
      Just say it. Why should we get caught up by people who want to fight to be the Muslimest-Muslim they can possibly be but can't even wrap their heads around what it means to be a Muslim or even just decent people in the first place?


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