
See also: nazi, nazí, nazī, and naži



From German Nazi, a shortening of Nationalsozialist (National Socialist) (attested since 1903, as a shortening of national-sozial),[1] since in German the nati- in national /ˌnatsi̯oˈnaːl/ is approximately pronounced Nazi [ˈnäːtsi]; compare Sozi (socialist).[1] A homonymic term Nazi was in use before the rise of the NSDAP in Bavaria as a pet name for Ignaz and (by extension from that) a derogatory word for a backwards peasant, which may have influenced[2] the use of that abbreviation by the Nazis' opponents and its avoidance by the Nazis themselves.[1][3]


  • IPA(key): /ˈnɑːtsi/, /ˈnætsi/, /ˈnæzi/ (the first pronunciation more closely matches the German pronunciation [ˈnäːtsi] and is more common than the second; the third is historical)
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • (file)


Nazi (plural Nazis)

  1. (historical) A member of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called the NSDAP or Nazi Party).
  2. One who subscribes to or advocates (neo-)Nazism or a similarly fascist, racist (especially anti-Semitic), xenophobic, ethnic supremacist, or ultranationalist ideology; a neo-Nazi.
  3. (slang, usually derogatory, sometimes offensive, see usage notes below) One who imposes one’s views on others; one who is considered unfairly oppressive or needlessly strict. (also frequently uncapitalised: nazi)
    She’s a total grammar Nazi.
  4. (ethnic slur, rare) A German, a person of German descent, or a person perceived to be of German descent.
    • 2002, Scott Silver, 8 Mile, Universal Pictures:
      LICKETY SPLIT: Fucking Nazi, this crowd ain't your type.

Usage notes

  • (one who imposes one’s views on others): As actual Nazis practiced genocide and were responsible for the murder of millions of people during the Second World War, this flippant use is sometimes considered to be offensive and in very poor taste. It is sometimes used to offend, intentionally (e.g. when trolling) or out of anger.

Derived terms

Terms derived from Nazi



Nazi (comparative more Nazi, superlative most Nazi)

  1. (historical) Of or pertaining to the Nazi Party (NSDAP) specifically, or to Nazism, neo-Nazism, or neo-Nazis more generally.
  2. (by extension) Domineering, totalitarian, or intolerant.


The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.

Proper noun


  1. The language (ideological jargon) of Nazis.
    • 2008, Joseph P. Farrell, Nazi International (→ISBN):
      All this requires some very careful unpacking, for obviously, Dr. Bosse is “speaking Nazi with the Bormann dialect.”
    • 2014, Marius Turda, ‎Aaron Gillette, Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective (→ISBN), page 123:
      He must write and speak “Nazi”, which is essentially anti-scientific' (Schreiber 1935a: 79). Falk Ruttke's presentation was illustrative in this sense. Ruttke was a member of the Reich Committee for Public Health Policy, as well as a member of the Advisory Board for Population and Racial Policy at the Reich Interior Ministry. Ruttke told the participants that after Hitler's accession to power, the 'knowledge of genetic laws was invoked towards the creation of a healthy race,...'
    • 2015, Tarik Cyril Amar, The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: A Borderland City (→ISBN):
      What is pertinent is that it was possible to effectively speak Nazi to Nazis and then become an “innocent nationalist” during the Cold War. Kubiiovych's truth, if any, was that he mastered both. Pragmatism and brutality thus meshed seamlessly. For Kubiiovych, developing the Ukrainian cooperative system under Germans would not only strengthen the Ukrainian economy but also protect Ukrainian peasants from Jewish exploitation.
  2. (derogatory, offensive, rare) The German language.
    • 1941 October 19, FFF advertisement in The New York Times (as quoted in 2004, Martin J. Manning, ‎Herbert Romerstein, Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda (→ISBN), page 104):
      In Hitler's Own Words: Shut up, Yank — learn to speak NAZI!
    • 2013, Jennifer Lane, On Best Behavior:
      He pushed aside his ponytailed minion and stepped right up to Tank, who gave him a perplexed look as he barked a few words in guttural German. “I don't speak Nazi,” Tank said.
    • 2016, Jessica Holbrook, The Perfect Descent, p. 158:
      “This is all sounding very pretty, Shaw,” Spencer checks his watch. “But how about you share what's being said for the rest of us who don't speak Nazi.”

See also


  1. Nazi” in Douglas Harper, Online Etymology Dictionary, 2001–2019., citing Friedrich Kluge, Elmar Seebold, Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, 24. Auflage (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2002, →ISBN)
  2. Henrik Gottlieb, Jens Erik Morgensen, editors (2007) Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography, Copenhagen 2004, illustrated edition, Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co., →ISBN, pages 247-249
  3. Anson Rabinbach, Sander Gilman, editors (2013) The Third Reich Sourcebook, Berkeley, California: California University Press, →ISBN, page 4


Alemannic German

Proper noun

Nazi m

  1. (uncommon after the mid-1900s) A diminutive of the male given name Ignaz
    • 1816, Johann Georg Daniel Arnold, Der Pfingstmontag: Lustspiel in Straßburger Mundart:
      Der Bossel vom Fischkal, der Nazi, het mer's gstekt, / Un noch zwai Beddelvögt.

Further reading

  • Ernst Martin, Wörterbuch der elsässischen Mundarten (1907) (online)



  1. Nazi


Proper noun

Nazi m

  1. (uncommon after the mid-1900s) A male given name, a pet name of Ignaz.



  1. a Nazi



  • IPA(key): /ˈnaːtsi/

Etymology 1

Representing the pronunciation of Nati in Nationalsozialist (National Socialist), influenced by Sozi (socialist).


Nazi m (genitive Nazis, plural Nazis or Nazi)

  1. a member or (ideological) supporter of the NSDAP, Nazism, or neo-Nazism; a National Socialist
  2. a general, extremely strong insult, chiefly of someone right-wing, authoritarian or xenophobic
  3. (used in compounds) an expression of strong contempt for someone or something right-wing, authoritarian or xenophobic, as in Nazischwein, Nazipropaganda, etc
Derived terms
See also
  • Nazist

Proper noun

Nazi m (genitive Nazis, plural Nazis)

  1. (rare after the mid-1900s) A male given name, a pet name of Ignaz or Ignatius.

Further reading

  • Nazi in Duden online
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