
See also: pisti



  • IPA(key): [ˈpiʃti]
  • Hyphenation: Pis‧ti

Proper noun


  1. A diminutive of the male given name István. Comparable to Steve.


Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative Pisti Pistik
accusative Pistit Pistiket
dative Pistinek Pistiknek
instrumental Pistivel Pistikkel
causal-final Pistiért Pistikért
translative Pistivé Pistikké
terminative Pistiig Pistikig
essive-formal Pistiként Pistikként
inessive Pistiben Pistikben
superessive Pistin Pistiken
adessive Pistinél Pistiknél
illative Pistibe Pistikbe
sublative Pistire Pistikre
allative Pistihez Pistikhez
elative Pistiből Pistikből
delative Pistiről Pistikről
ablative Pistitől Pistiktől
Possessive forms of Pisti
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Pistim Pistijeim
2nd person sing. Pistid Pistijeid
3rd person sing. Pistije Pistijei
1st person plural Pistink Pistijeink
2nd person plural Pistitek Pistijeitek
3rd person plural Pistijük Pistijeik


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