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- (genus): Eukaryota - superkingdom; Animalia - kingdom; Bilateria - subkingdom; Deuterostomia - infrakingdom; Chordata - phylum; Vertebrata - subphylum; Gnathostomata - infraphylum; Reptilia - class; Aves - subclass; Neognathae - infraclass; Neoaves - superorder; Procellariiformes - order; Procellariidae - family
- (genus): Pterodroma alba, Pterodroma arminjoniana, Pterodroma atrata, Pterodroma axillaris, Pterodroma baraui, Pterodroma brevipes, Pterodroma cahow, Pterodroma cervicalis, Pterodroma cookii, Pterodroma defilippiana, Pterodroma externa, Pterodroma feae, Pterodroma hasitata, Pterodroma heraldica, Pterodroma hypoleuca, Pterodroma incerta, Pterodroma inexpectata, Pterodroma lessonii, Pterodroma leucoptera, Pterodroma longirostris, Pterodroma macroptera, Pterodroma madeira, Pterodroma magentae, Pterodroma mollis, Pterodroma neglecta, Pterodroma nigripennis, Pterodroma occulta, Pterodroma phaeopygia, Pterodroma pycrofti, Pterodroma sandwichensis, Pterodroma solandri, Pterodroma ultima (species)
- Gill, F. and Wright, M. (2006) Birds of the World: Recommended English Names, Princeton University Press, →ISBN
Further reading
Gadfly petrel on Wikipedia.Wikipedia Pterodroma on Wikispecies.Wikispecies Pterodroma on Wikimedia Commons.Wikimedia Commons
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