Pythagoraan lause


Proper noun

Pythagoraan lause

  1. The Pythagoras' theorem, Pythagorean theorem.


Inflection of Pythagoraan lause (Kotus type 48/hame, no gradation)
nominative Pythagoraan lause
genitive Pythagoraan lauseen
partitive Pythagoraan lausetta
illative Pythagoraan lauseeseen
singular plural
nominative Pythagoraan lause
accusative nom. Pythagoraan lause
gen. Pythagoraan lauseen
genitive Pythagoraan lauseen
partitive Pythagoraan lausetta
inessive Pythagoraan lauseessa
elative Pythagoraan lauseesta
illative Pythagoraan lauseeseen
adessive Pythagoraan lauseella
ablative Pythagoraan lauseelta
allative Pythagoraan lauseelle
essive Pythagoraan lauseena
translative Pythagoraan lauseeksi
abessive Pythagoraan lauseetta
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