< Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European


This Proto-Indo-European entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.




  1. Creates intransitive, often deponent, imperfective verbs from roots.


Imperfective, thematic
3rd singular *(Ø)-yéti
3rd plural *(Ø)-yónti
Active voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *(Ø)-yóh₂ *(Ø)-yóm *(Ø)-yṓh₂ *(Ø)-yóyh₁m̥
2nd singular *(Ø)-yési *(Ø)-yés *(Ø)-yé *(Ø)-yḗsi *(Ø)-yóys
3rd singular *(Ø)-yéti *(Ø)-yét *(Ø)-yétu *(Ø)-yḗti *(Ø)-yóyt
1st dual *(Ø)-yówos *(Ø)-yówe *(Ø)-yṓwos *(Ø)-yóywe
2nd dual *(Ø)-yétes *(Ø)-yétom *(Ø)-yétom *(Ø)-yḗtes *(Ø)-yóytom
3rd dual *(Ø)-yétes *(Ø)-yétām *(Ø)-yétām *(Ø)-yḗtes *(Ø)-yóytām
1st plural *(Ø)-yómos *(Ø)-yóme *(Ø)-yṓmos *(Ø)-yóyme
2nd plural *(Ø)-yéte *(Ø)-yéte *(Ø)-yéte *(Ø)-yḗte *(Ø)-yóyte
3rd plural *(Ø)-yónti *(Ø)-yónt *(Ø)-yóntu *(Ø)-yṓnti *(Ø)-yóyh₁n̥t
Participle *(Ø)-yónts
Middle voice Present indicative Past indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative
1st singular *(Ø)-yóh₂er *(Ø)-yóh₂e *(Ø)-yṓh₂er *(Ø)-yóyh₂e
2nd singular *(Ø)-yéth₂er *(Ø)-yéth₂e *(Ø)-yéso *(Ø)-yḗth₂er *(Ø)-yóyth₂e
3rd singular *(Ø)-yétor *(Ø)-yéto *? *(Ø)-yḗtor *(Ø)-yóyto, *(Ø)-yóyh₁o
1st dual *(Ø)-yówosdʰh₂ *(Ø)-yówedʰh₂ *(Ø)-yṓwosdʰh₂ *(Ø)-yóywedʰh₂
2nd dual *? *? *? *? *?
3rd dual *? *? *? *? *?
1st plural *(Ø)-yómosdʰh₂ *(Ø)-yómedʰh₂ *(Ø)-yṓmosdʰh₂ *(Ø)-yóymedʰh₂
2nd plural *(Ø)-yédʰh₂we *(Ø)-yédʰh₂we *(Ø)-yédʰh₂we *(Ø)-yḗdʰh₂we *(Ø)-yóydʰh₂we
3rd plural *(Ø)-yóror, *(Ø)-yóntor *(Ø)-yóro, *(Ø)-yónto *? *(Ø)-yṓror, *(Ø)-yṓntor *(Ø)-yóyro, *(Ø)-yóyh₁n̥to
Participle *(Ø)-yómnos

Derived terms

<a href='/wiki/Category:Proto-Indo-European_words_suffixed_with_*-y%C3%A9ti' title='Category:Proto-Indo-European words suffixed with *-yéti'>Proto-Indo-European words suffixed with *-yéti</a>


  • Anatolian: *-yéti
  • Germanic: *-(i)janą (j-presents, some class 1 weak verbs)
  • Hellenic: *-yō
    • Ancient Greek: -έω (-éō) (partially), -όω (-óō) (aboriginal ἀρόω (aróō) and new denominative verbs to o-stem nouns), -πτω (-ptō) (< *-pyé-, *-pʰyé-), -σσω (-ssō), -ττω (-ttō) (< *-kyé-, *-kʰyé-, *-kʷyé-, *-kʷʰyé-, *-tyé-, *-tʰyé-, *-gyé-), -ζω (-zō) (< *-gyé-, *-gʷyé-, *-dyé-), -λλω (-llō) (< *-lyé-), -ιCω (-iCō) (< *-Cyé-)
  • Italic:
    • Latin: -iō (Third conjugation verbs iō-variation), -iō (Fourth conjugation verbs, partially)
  • Indo-Iranian: *-yáti
    • Indo-Aryan: *-yáti
      • Sanskrit: -यते (-yáte) (for example:वृज्यते (vṛjyáte))
    • Iranian: *-yáti
      • Avestan: -𐬌𐬌𐬈𐬌𐬙𐬌 (-iieiti) (for example: 𐬬𐬆𐬭𐬆𐬰𐬌𐬌𐬈𐬌𐬙𐬌 (vərəziieiti))

See also


  • Sihler, Andrew L. (1995) New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, →ISBN
  • Ringe, Don (2006) From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic, Oxford University Press
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