

SSDL (plural SSDLs)

  1. (technology) Initialism of secondary standard dosimetry laboratory.
    • 2009, Hetland et al.: Calibration of reference KAP-meters at SSDL and cross calibration of clinical KAP-meters, title
    • 2002, Meghzifene et al.: Calibration factor or calibration coefficient? abstract
      The IAEA/WHO network of SSDLs was set up in order to establish links between SSDL members and the international measurement system.
    • 1996, Aaltonen et al.: The role of SSDL-Helsinki for dosimetry and quality audit in radiotherapy, title

Proper noun


  1. (computer languages, databases) Initialism of SOAP Service Description Language.
    • 2008, Nitzsche J. et al.: WSDL 2.0 message exchange patterns: limitations and opportunities, page 1:
      The SOAP Service Description Language (SSDL) [20] describes a message exchange from the point of view of a single service...
    • 2008, Rosenberg et al.: Integrated metadata support for web service runtimes, page 1:
      In [13], Parastatidis and Webber propose SSDL (SOAP Service Description Language) as a language to describe Web services...
    • 2005, Parastatidis et al.: The SOAP Service Description Language (SSDL) is a SOAP-centric contract definition language for Web Services, abstract
  2. (mathematics) Initialism of sample-set differential logic.
    • 2007, Fornasier: Soya: a programming model and runtime environment for component composition using SSDL, title
    • 1986, Grotjohn: Sample-set differential logic (SSDL) for complex high-speed VLSI, title
    • 1988, Lu: Implementation of iterative networks with CMOS differential logic, page 1:
      Grotjohn and Hoefflinger [2] further improved the clocked CVSL and named it sample-set differential logic (SSDL)...
  3. (mathematics) Initialism of small-swing differential logic.
    • 2002, Pogrebnoy: High-speed low-power sense amplifying half-latch and apparatus thereof for small-swing differential logic (SSDL)
    • 2002, Fiedler: High-speed differential sampling flip-flop, page 1:
      High-speed low-power sense amplifying half-latch and apparatus thereof for small-swing differential logic (SSDL)
    • 1995, Matsui: A low-voltage 32/spl times/32-bit multiplier in dynamic differential logic, page 1:
      ...small swing differential logic (SSDL) whose outputs are not full-swing can be used...
  4. (computer science) Initialism of social semantic digital library.
    • 2007, Oh & Won: Designing an architecture for social semantic digital libraries (SSDL), title
    • 2010, Alotaibi: Semantic web technologies for digital libraries: from libraries to social semantic digital libraries (SSDL), over semantic digital libraries (SDL), title
    • 2017, Noh: A study on next-generation digital library using context-awareness technology, page 1:
      Oh and Won (2007) defined the Social Semantic Digital Library (SSDL) as consisting of an ontology system and supporting user participation and collaboration
  5. (education) Initialism of Staged Self-Directed Learning.
    • 1994, Grow: In defense of the staged self-directed learning model;;
  6. (technology) Initialism of SYLPH services definition language.
    • 2010, Corchado et al.: Using heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in a telemonitoring system for healthcare, page 1:
      The messages specify the origin and target nodes, and the service invocation in a SYLPH services definition language (SSDL) format.
    • 2001, Merriam: Andragogy and self‐directed learning: Pillars of adult learning theory, page 1:
      The best known of these is Grow's (1991, 1994) Staged Self-Directed Learning (SSDL) model.
    • 1992, Tennant: The staged self-directed learning model, page 1:
      Grow's article Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed (Adult Education Quarterly, Spring 1991), in which he presents his Staged Self-Directed Learning (SSDL) Model...
  7. (physics) Initialism of solid-state dye laser.
    • 2002, Ahmad: Highly photostable laser solution and solid-state media based on mixed pyrromethene and coumarin
    • 2007, Costela, Solid state dye lasers: new materials based on silicon
    • 2009, Garcia‐Moreno et al.: Materials for a Reliable Solid‐State Dye Laser at the Red Spectral Edge
      In addition to SSDL output, the unit provides radiation at 532 nm.

Proper noun


  1. Initialism of Space Systems Development Laboratory.
    • 1994, Kitts: The satellite quick research testbed (squirt) program
      ...the Satellite Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL) is the focal point of Stanford University's spacecraft design program.
    • 1999, Kitts: The ParaSat Space Flight Program
      Given the author’s affiliation with Stanford University’s Space Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL), this comparison can easily be done with SSDL’s primary microsatellite program, the Satellite Quick Research Testbed (SQUIRT) program.
    • 2000, Heidt: CubeSat: A new generation of picosatellite for education and industry low-cost space experimentation
      Microsatellite Development program plan The program plan1-2 at the Space Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL) was to have programs with the following attributes...


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