From Middle High German sac, from Old High German sac. Cognate with Dutch zak, English sack. The sense “man” without doubt partly from “scrotum”, but Sack was also formerly used to refer to the belly or the human body as a whole.
- IPA(key): /zak/
- Rhymes: -ak
Audio (file)
Usage notes
- Additional, more informal diminutive forms include western German Säckelchen, south-western Säckle, and Austro-Bavarian Sackerl. The last also means shopping bag in Austrian standard German.
Derived terms
Derived terms
- die Katze aus dem Sack lassen
- Bleisack
- Dudelsack
- einsacken
- Fettsack
- Futtersack
- Hafersack
- in einen Sack stecken und draufhauen
- Jutesack
- Kartoffelsack
- Lachsack
- Mehlsack
- Müllsack
- Plastiksack
- sackartig
- sackförmig
- sackleinen
- Sandsack
- Seesack
- Strohsack
- Tränensack
- Wärmesack
- Wassersack
- Windsack
- Zementsack
- IPA(key): /sak/
Pennsylvania German
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