See also: tausend
Alternative forms
- Tsd. (abbreviation)
Tausend n (genitive Tausends, plural Tausende)
- thousand (amount)
Tausend f (genitive Tausend, plural Tausenden)
- thousand (the number)
Coordinate terms
Cardinal numbers from 0 to 99
Cardinal numbers from 100 onward
- 100: hundert, einhundert
- 103: tausend, eintausend
- 104: zehntausend (Myriade)
- 106: Million (tausendmaltausend, tausendtausend)
- 109: Milliarde
- 1012: Billion
- 1015: Billiarde
- 1018: Trillion
- 1021: Trilliarde
- 1024: Quadrillion
- 1027: Quadrilliarde
- 1030: Quintillion
- 1033: Quintilliarde
- 1036: Sextillion
- 1039: Sextilliarde
- 1042: Septillion
- 1045: Septilliarde
- 1048: Oktillion
- 1051: Oktilliarde
- 1054: Nonillion
- 1057: Nonilliarde
- 1060: Dezillion
- 1063: Dezilliarde
- 1066: Undezillion
- 1069: Undezilliarde
- 1072: Duodezillion
- 1075: Duodezilliarde
- 1078: Tredezillion
- 1081: Tredezilliarde
- 1084: Quattuordezillion
- 1087: Quattuordezilliarde
- 10100: Googol
- 10120: Vigintillion
- 10123: Vigintilliarde
Derived terms
- v. T. (vom Tausend)
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