


Wiccan + -ist


Wiccanist (plural Wiccanists)

  1. (rare) An adherent of Wiccanism; a Wiccan.
    • 1837, Southern Literary Messenger (volume 3, page 270)
      At least, their coming out in that work would appear to establish the fact of their having been written by some Wiccanist, and Murray, we suppose, was hardly one of that tribe.
    • 2001, "Dustin Mephisto", Re: Mithter garrithon missed one...... (on newsgroup alt.religion.wicca)
      All I could come up with was trading out the word "Wiccan" for "Shinto" in the last refrain: "Hey there Mister Wiccanist! Merry Fuckin' Christmas! God is gonna kick your ass, you degenerate heathen scum
    • 2011 Chris Moriarty, The Inquisitor's Apprentice
      A few years ago he'd narrowly escaped death at the hands of bomb-throwing Wiccanists.
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