- IPA(key): /aɡˈnoski/
- Hyphenation: ag‧nos‧ki
- Rhymes: -oski
agnoski (present agnoskas, past agnoskis, future agnoskos, conditional agnoskus, volitive agnosku)
- to acknowledge, recognize
- Dume Makedonio, agnoskinte la sendependecon de Kosovo, ankoraŭ ne establis kun ĝi diplomatiajn rilatojn. Nun, ĉar la landlimo estas difinita, oni baldaŭ starigos ambasadejojn. (Bardhyl Selimi, “Finfine fiksite” in Monato, 2017-05-09)
- Meanwhile Macedonia, which had recognized the independence of Kosovo, had not yet established diplomatic relations. Now, because of the border has been defined, embassies will soon be set up.
Conjugation of agnoski
Related terms
- agnoskinda (“worthy of recognition”)
- agnosko (“acknowledgement”)
- malagnoski (“disavow”)
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