


al- + bérlet


  • IPA(key): [ˈɒlbeːrlɛt]
  • Hyphenation: al‧bér‧let


albérlet (plural albérletek)

  1. (law) sublease, subrental
  2. lodgings (a flat or a room rented out from a private person to a private person for the purpose of residence)

Usage notes

Strictly speaking, this term reflects the practice when the council rented out a flat to people and people were able to rent it over to others. However, these days many more people own a flat so if they rent it out, it is not a sublease but a lease. Nevertheless, the term is still widely used in everyday speech, but in real estate terminology (including lease contracts) lakásbérlés or lakásbérlet can be used instead.

Similarly, albérlő (“lodger”, literally “subtenant”) is strictly speaking incorrect in most cases and bérlő should be used for the lessee instead. In the same vein, főbérlő (“tenant”, literally “main tenant”) does not make sense any more in the original meaning and bérbeadó is the right term instead for the owner or lessor. Hence, albérlő can only be used rightfully today if the lodger wishes to offer his or her rented accommodation to an acquaintance for a while (whether living there simultaneously or being away from the flat), which may be permitted under certain conditions or prohibited by the actual owner in their lease contract.


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative albérlet albérletek
accusative albérletet albérleteket
dative albérletnek albérleteknek
instrumental albérlettel albérletekkel
causal-final albérletért albérletekért
translative albérletté albérletekké
terminative albérletig albérletekig
essive-formal albérletként albérletekként
inessive albérletben albérletekben
superessive albérleten albérleteken
adessive albérletnél albérleteknél
illative albérletbe albérletekbe
sublative albérletre albérletekre
allative albérlethez albérletekhez
elative albérletből albérletekből
delative albérletről albérletekről
ablative albérlettől albérletektől
Possessive forms of albérlet
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. albérletem albérleteim
2nd person sing. albérleted albérleteid
3rd person sing. albérlete albérletei
1st person plural albérletünk albérleteink
2nd person plural albérletetek albérleteitek
3rd person plural albérletük albérleteik
  • albérlő
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