


From al- + pafi.


alpafi (present alpafas, past alpafis, future alpafos, conditional alpafus, volitive alpafu)

  1. to shoot at, fire on (with a firearm, etc.)
    La policano alpafis la pneŭon de ilia aŭto sed maltrafis.
    The police officer shot at the tire of their car but missed.
    • Sergio Pokrovskij (translator), La Majstro kaj Margarita (The Master and Margarita) by Mikhail Bulgakov, Part 2, Chapter 27,
      Tie, bedaŭrinde same senrezulte, la beston alpafis la homoj gardantaj la kamentubojn, kaj la kato eklipsiĝis en la malalta suno inundanta la urbon.
      There [the animal] was fired on—unfortunately, equally without effect—by the guards stationed at the chimneys, and [the cat] disappeared in the light of the setting sun which was flooding the city at that hour. (Mirra Ginsburg translation, Grove, 1995)


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