


amato- + normative


amatonormative (comparative more amatonormative, superlative most amatonormative)

  1. Privileging or valuing romantic relationships as fundamental or natural.
    • 2012, Elizabeth Brake, Minimizing Marriage, Oxford University Press, page 89:
      Amatonormative discrimination is widely practiced. Its existence is not controversial. What is controversial is the claim that it is wrongful discrimination and not simply justified differential treatment—that it is arbitrary and hence, at least in law, unjust.
    • 2017, Christopher Arroyo, Kant’s Ethics and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate - An Introduction:
      Such radicalism is justified, on her view, because current legal systems that enshrine amatonormative marriage into law are inconsistent with the ideals of political liberalism, since any “more-than minimal” conception of marriage presupposes particular substantive conceptions of the good, which political liberalism rules out.
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