
See also: anti-space


Alternative forms


anti- + space.


antispace (countable and uncountable, plural antispaces)

  1. A space or region that violates the norms or conventions of spaces.
    • 2005, Evgeny Dobrenko; Eric Naiman, The Landscape of Stalinism: The Art and Ideology of Soviet Space, page 90:
      It is antispace, home of the enemy, a creature without a face or with the face of a beast.
    • 2008, Dag Øistein Endsjø, Primordial Landscapes, Incorruptible Bodies, page 36:
      The wilderness as antispace
  2. (mathematics) A kind of topological space.
    • 1968, Evert Wattel, The Compactness Operator in Set Theory and Topology:
      There exists a natural one to one mapping from the class of antispaces onto itself []



antispace (not comparable)

  1. (military) Against space.
    • 1996, National Science Foundation, chapter 7, in Science and Engineering Indicators – 1996:
      Further, unlike nuclear power, with strong and organized pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear groups, there has never been a significant anti-space movement in the United States.
    • 2004, Lt. Col. Paula B. Flavell, USAF, “AFDD 2-2.1, Counterspace Operations”, in Air & Space Power Journal:
      Because of the importance of space superiority, the Air Force published new doctrine on 2 August 2004: Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-2.1, Counterspace Operations. Gen John P. Jumper, US Air Force chief of staff, asserts that "space superiority is as much about protecting our space assets as it is about preparing to counter an enemy’s space or anti-space assets" (1). The new publication (pub) defines key terms characteristic of counterspace operations and highlights factors that Airmen must take into consideration when they plan/execute those operations.
    • 2009, Amos A. Jordan; William J. Taylor, Jr.; Michael J. Meese; Suzanne C. Nielsen, American National Security, →ISBN, page 285:
      [] disruptive capabilities, such as cyber warfare, directed energy weapons, biotechnology, or antispace systems, to marginalize U.S. power.
    • 2012, Matthew H. Hersch, Inventing the American Astronaut, →ISBN, page 144:
      To the sizable antispace contingent in Congress, Nixon promised an earnest effort to "minimize technical and economic risks"


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