


auto- + massage


automassage (uncountable)

  1. The practice of massaging oneself.
    • 1914, Max Einhorn, “Habitual Constipation and its Treatment,” Philadelphia Medical Journal and The Medical News, Volume 99, No. 22, 30 May, 2014, p. 1064,
      There are physical means of treatment, such as massage of the bowel and abdomen. That can be done either by an experienced masseur, or by automassage.
    • 1977, Yehudi Menuhin, Unfinished Journey, New York: Knopf, Chapter 8, p. 153,
      While America prepared for war, I trundled south with Baller, using the journey, which lasted a couple of days and nights, to put myself on a cure. Except for a few oranges and walnuts, I starved myself, and worked, rested and learned automassage, with gratifying results: I arrived in Mexico feeling absolutely free, loose, floating and light.
    • 2002, Mark F. Beck et al., Massage Basics, Albany, NY: Delmar, Chapter 1, p. 3,
      Athletes, dancers, and others who must keep muscles strong and supple are often instructed in automassage, or massaging one’s own muscles, and in basic massage on a partner.
  2. A device or feature providing automated massage.
    • 1961, Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land, New York: Avon, Part Two, Chapter 8, p. 87,
      The bed in her room was as modern as next week, with automassage, coffee dispenser, weather control, reading machine, etc. []
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