- (chiefly with kunne) to touch the solid ground underneath water with one's feet while keeping one's head above
- 2014, Nick Clausen, Den sidste vindrytter #2: Rejsen, Tellerup A/S (→ISBN)
- „Jeg kan næsten ikke bunde, Rax!“ kaldte Kian. „Vi er over halvvejs!“ lød troldens svar.
- "I almost can't reach the bed, Rax!" Kian called out. "We are more than halfway across!" was the troll's reply.
- 1949, Aage Dons, Frosten på ruderne, Lindhardt og Ringhof (→ISBN)
- Hun var kommet ud paa dybt Vand, hun kunde ikke bunde.
- She had gotten out in deep water, she could not reach the ground.
- 2014, Nick Clausen, Den sidste vindrytter #2: Rejsen, Tellerup A/S (→ISBN)
- to drink something (usually an alcoholic drink) in one go
- 2000, Sørine Gotfredsen, En pagt for livet, Lindhardt og Ringhof (→ISBN)
- Han bundede en øl til, […]
- He downed another beer, […]
- 2009, Garrison Keiller (tr. by Brian Dan Christensen) En stille uge i Lake Wobegon, Gyldendal A/S (→ISBN), page 24
- Han kravlede op på taget og bundede en hel flaske pebermyntesnaps.
- He crawled up onto the roof and downed an entire bottle of peppermint schnapps.
- 2000, Sørine Gotfredsen, En pagt for livet, Lindhardt og Ringhof (→ISBN)
Norwegian Nynorsk
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