


cape + shit


capeshit (uncountable)

  1. (slang, vulgar, derogatory) Tiresome, derivative films about the exploits of superheroes.
    • 2018, "Neill Massello", Re: "Bumblebee" will probably beat "Aquaman" at the box office this weekend (on newsgroup rec.arts.movies.current-films)
      I will, probably with naive optimism, take this as a sign that the "capeshit" era is ending, and that this stuff will go back to being kids-only where it belongs.
    • 2018, "Nikolai Kingsley", Re: Meanwhile, in other news... (on newsgroup talk.bizarre)
      it's too much to hope that this might signal the beginning of the end for capeshit. as long as there are dissatisfied, angry, entitled teenage boys who need power fantasies, there will be superhero comics, films and games.


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