
Middle English

Alternative forms


Borrowed from Old French detour, from Latin debitor; equivalent to dette + -our.


  • IPA(key): /ˈdɛtur/


dettour (plural dettours)

  1. One who is indebted to another (financially, for their help, etc.)
  2. One who must atone for their wrongs against another.
    • a. 1382, John Wycliffe, “Matheu 6:9-14”, in Wycliffe's Bible:
      And thus ye ſchulen preye, Oure fadir that art in heuenes, halewid be thi name; / thi kyngdoom come to; be thi wille don `in erthe as in heuene; / ȝyue to vs this dai oure `breed ouer othir ſubſtaunce; / and forȝyue to vs oure dettis, as we forȝyuen to oure dettouris; and lede vs not in to temptacioun, / but delyuere vs fro yuel / Amen []
      And you should pray like this: "Our father that's in heaven, your name will be hailed; / your kingdom will come; your will will be done on Earth just like in heaven; / give us our bread or other sustenance today; / and forgive us of our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and don't let us fall into temptation, but instead save us from evil. / Amen." []



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