


dispotion (usually uncountable, plural dispotions)

  1. Obsolete form of disposition.
    • 1775, Rev. George Brown, The New English Letter-Writer, page 91:
      For my own part, I cannot have any objection to your union with my daughter, only that I am afraid, a levity of diſpotion will lead you off from buſineſs, and an idle merchant is like a drone in a bee-ive.
    • 1797, Henry Lemoine, History, Origin, and Progress, of the Art of Printing, page 61:
      In it is a cut of a Englishman ſomewhat resembling King Henry VII. but naked, and holding a piece of cloth over his arm, and a pair of ſhears in his other hand, with the following lines, expressing the fickle diſpotion of the Engliſh:
    • 1834, L. H. Young, An Account of the Most Important and Interesting Religious Events: Which Have Transpired from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time, page 75:
      Alban, from whom St. Alban's, in Hertfordshire, received its name, was the first British martyr. He was originally a pagan, and being of a very humane dispotion, he sheltered a Christian ecclesiastic, named Amphibalus, who was pursued on account of his religion.

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of disposicioun
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