


dwarf + -ette


dwarfette (plural dwarfettes)

  1. A female dwarf.
    • 1990 Running Mates: The Making of a First Lady page 26
      on July 26, 1987, the "fabulous dwarfettes," as Hattie Babbitt dubbed the sorority of spouses, got up on stage at Drake University.
    • 2001 S.O.S: Chilling Tales of Adventure on the High Seas page 202
      This is their breeding season, their calving season too, and they've got enough problems with all the boat and plane and jet ski traffic around Maui without some ridiculous dwarfette water-nerd with terrible eyesight and silly black chicken feet snorkeling around in their bedroom.
    • 2004 The Mexico City Reader page 152
      All this thanks to her towering stature: nine feet high, practically twice the average height of our national dwarfettes.
    • 2007 Laura Warholic page 757
      "Too bad they don't use the testicles!" barked the dwarfette with a griglike guffaw.
    • 2015 Flawless page 75
      So he collars a shusher and tells her what he's after in the way of information. She's a spindly twig of a girl, dwarfette


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