


energi (energy) + bevarelse (conservation)


energibevarelse c (singular definite energibevarelsen, not used in plural form)

  1. (physics) conservation of energy
    • 2000, Grundlæggende Fysik 1, Gyldendal Uddannelse →ISBN, page 33
      Der gælder, at
      I et isoleret system er energien bevaret, da ∆E = 0 eller E = konstant
      Dette er loven om energibevarelse.
      It is true that
      In an isolated system, energy is conserved, as ∆E = 0 or E = constant
      This is the law of conservation of energy.
    • 2013, J. Thorsen, The Penetration of Charged Particles Through Matter (1912 - 1954), Elsevier →ISBN, page 411
      Som det er diskuteret (Bohr 1924*), frembyder Spørgsmaalet om Energibevarelse ved Sammenstød særlig slaaende Paradoksier ud fra de sædvanlige mekaniske Forestillinger.
      As has been discussed (Bohr 1924*), the question of conservation of energy at collisions presents quite striking paradoxes, using ordinary mechanical views.
    • 1972, Festskrift udgivet af Københavns universitet i anledning af universitets aarsfest
      I den her givne sammenhæng er det L. A. Coldings erkendelse af loven om energibevarelse og hans hermed forbundne bestemmelse af varmens mekaniske ækvivalent, som optager os.
      In this context, it is L. A. Colding's acknowledgement of the law of conservation of energy and his determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat, which is connected to the former, which we shall concern ourselves with.
    • 2013, J. Kalckar, Foundations of Quantum Physics II (1933-1958), Elsevier →ISBN, page 475
      Det glædede mig ogsaa, at Du forstod Grundstemningen i mine Slutbemærkninger om Energibevarelsen.
      I was also joyed to see that you understood the fundamental ambience of my final comments about conservation of energy.
    • 1956, Catholica
      F. eks. kan grundstoffernes karakter på grund af energibevarelsen kun ændres, når der anvendes stor energi til at spalte atomkærnen.
      For example, the character of the elements can, due to conservation of energy, only be changed, when great amounts of energy are used to part the atomic nucleus.


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