
Old Spanish


From Latin īnfirmitās (weakness), from īnfirmus (weak, feeble).


  • IPA(key): [ẽm.ɸer.meˈðat], [-ˈðað]


enfermedat f (plural enfermedades)

  1. illness, sickness
    • c. 1200, Almeric, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 7v.
      Et a tal uertud que el que la trae conſigo guardal daquella enfermedat aque llaman caduca. Et otroſſi es bona pora aquellas enfermedades que uienen por malanconia.
      And its virtue is such that it keeps he who has it with him from the illness they call caduca. It is also good for those illnesses that arise due to melancholy.


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