


fordanske (imperative fordansk, infinitive at fordanske, present tense fordansker, past tense fordanskede, perfect tense har fordansket)

  1. to cause to conform with Danish culture, to Danicize
    • 2008, Helle Hinge, Gyld. Lærerbibliotek. Medborgerskab, Gyldendal Uddannelse →ISBN, page 69
      Assimilation går ud på at fordanske indvandrere og flygtninge så hurtigt som muligt. De skal lære at tænke, tale og handle dansk og dermed iklæde sig en dansk kultur.
      Assimilation is about Danicising immigrants and refugees as quickly as possible. They must learn to think, speak and act in a Danish manner and thus take on Danish culture.
  2. (archaic) to translate into Danish
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