fordless (not comparable)
- Without a ford.
- William Hurrell Mallock
- Between our human nature and the nature they desiderate there is a deep and fordless river, over which they can throw no bridge, and all their talk supposes that we shall be able to fly or wade across it […]
- 2006, Maha-bhárata, Book 7, Volume 1, Clay Sanskrit Library, edited and translated by Vaughan Pilikian, New York University Press, p. 185,
- Drona poured forth a river of death. […] Not fish but swords swam in its fordless waters, and elephants and horses were where sharks might have been.
- William Hurrell Mallock
Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
(See the entry for fordless in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.)
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