


francūzis m (2nd declension, irregular plural, feminine form: francūziete)

  1. Frenchman (i.e., a man born in France)
    franči bažījas par nākotnithe French are worried about the future
    francūzis grib justies ērti, omulīgi un nepiespiesti visur un vienmēra Frenchman wants to feel comfortable, cozy and at ease anywhere, anytime
  2. (genitive plural) French; pertaining to France and its people
    franču valodathe French language
    franču zemeFrench land
    franču arhitektūraFrench architecture
    franču glezniecībaFrench painting
    vārds “sižets” radies no franču vārdathe word “sižets” comes from a French word

Usage notes

The plural and singular stems, originally from two different words, now form one single (irregular, suppletive) paradigm: singular francūzis, plural franči.


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