fullum stöfum
From fullum (“with full, with complete”) the dative plural form of fullur (“full, complete”) and stöfum (“with letters”) the dative, plural of stafur (“a letter”).
- (idiomatic) unabbreviated, without abbreviation, in full, an abbreviation written out
- Að rita orð fullum stöfum.
- To write a word without abbreviation.
- Að skrifa fullum stöfum.
- To write out an abbreviation.
- Að skrifa nafnið sitt fullum stöfum.
- To write ones name in full.
- Að rita orð fullum stöfum.
- (idiomatic) directly, straight to the point
Derived terms
- rita fullum stöfum (to write out an abbreviation)
- skrifa fullum stöfum (to write out an abbreviation)
See also
- einum rómi
- fullum hálsi
- gefa í skyn
- skammstafa
- skammstöfun
- tala óljóst
- (directly): tæpitungulaust, afdráttarlaust
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