fullum stöfum



From fullum (with full, with complete) the dative plural form of fullur (full, complete) and stöfum (with letters) the dative, plural of stafur (a letter).


fullum stöfum

  1. (idiomatic) unabbreviated, without abbreviation, in full, an abbreviation written out
    Að rita orð fullum stöfum.
    To write a word without abbreviation.
    Að skrifa fullum stöfum.
    To write out an abbreviation.
    Að skrifa nafnið sitt fullum stöfum.
    To write ones name in full.
  2. (idiomatic) directly, straight to the point

Derived terms

  • rita fullum stöfum (to write out an abbreviation)
  • skrifa fullum stöfum (to write out an abbreviation)

See also


  • (directly): tæpitungulaust, afdráttarlaust
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