
See also: Gestapo



From German Gestapo (Nazi secret police); refers to the looks of the raincoat, which is supposedly "Gestapo-like".



  1. (military slang) the grey long raincoat used by the Finnish military


Inflection of gestapo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative gestapo gestapot
genitive gestapon gestapojen
partitive gestapoa gestapoja
illative gestapoon gestapoihin
singular plural
nominative gestapo gestapot
accusative nom. gestapo gestapot
gen. gestapon
genitive gestapon gestapojen
partitive gestapoa gestapoja
inessive gestapossa gestapoissa
elative gestaposta gestapoista
illative gestapoon gestapoihin
adessive gestapolla gestapoilla
ablative gestapolta gestapoilta
allative gestapolle gestapoille
essive gestapona gestapoina
translative gestapoksi gestapoiksi
instructive gestapoin
abessive gestapotta gestapoitta
comitative gestapoineen
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