gizzard shad



gizzard shad (plural gizzard shads)

  1. Any of several species of shad-like fish of Indo-Pacific waters, principally in subfamily Dorosomatinae of the herring family Clupeidae.
    1. Gonialosa manmina (Ganges gizzard shad)
    2. Nematalosa come (Western Pacific gizzard shad)
    3. Nematalosa galatheae (Galathea gizzard shad)
    4. Anodontostoma chacunda (Chacunda gizzard shad)
    5. Anodontostoma thailandiae (Thai gizzard shad)
    6. Clupanodon thrissa (Chinese gizzard shad)
    7. Konosirus punctatus (Konoshiro gizzard shad )
    8. Dorosoma anale (Mexician river gizzard shad)
    9. Dorosoma cepedianum (American gizzard shad)
    10. Nematalosa nasus (Bloch's gizzard shad)
    11. Nematalosa vlaminghi (Western Australian gizzard shad)

Derived terms

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