Inflection of haaroa (Kotus type 52/sanoa, no gradation) | ||||||
indicative mood | ||||||
present tense | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | haaron | en haaro | 1st sing. | olen haaronut | en ole haaronut | |
2nd sing. | haarot | et haaro | 2nd sing. | olet haaronut | et ole haaronut | |
3rd sing. | haaroo | ei haaro | 3rd sing. | on haaronut | ei ole haaronut | |
1st plur. | haaromme | emme haaro | 1st plur. | olemme haaroneet | emme ole haaroneet | |
2nd plur. | haarotte | ette haaro | 2nd plur. | olette haaroneet | ette ole haaroneet | |
3rd plur. | haarovat | eivät haaro | 3rd plur. | ovat haaroneet | eivät ole haaroneet | |
passive | haarotaan | ei haarota | passive | on haarottu | ei ole haarottu | |
past tense | pluperfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | haaroin | en haaronut | 1st sing. | olin haaronut | en ollut haaronut | |
2nd sing. | haaroit | et haaronut | 2nd sing. | olit haaronut | et ollut haaronut | |
3rd sing. | haaroi | ei haaronut | 3rd sing. | oli haaronut | ei ollut haaronut | |
1st plur. | haaroimme | emme haaroneet | 1st plur. | olimme haaroneet | emme olleet haaroneet | |
2nd plur. | haaroitte | ette haaroneet | 2nd plur. | olitte haaroneet | ette olleet haaroneet | |
3rd plur. | haaroivat | eivät haaroneet | 3rd plur. | olivat haaroneet | eivät olleet haaroneet | |
passive | haarottiin | ei haarottu | passive | oli haarottu | ei ollut haarottu | |
conditional mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | haaroisin | en haaroisi | 1st sing. | olisin haaronut | en olisi haaronut | |
2nd sing. | haaroisit | et haaroisi | 2nd sing. | olisit haaronut | et olisi haaronut | |
3rd sing. | haaroisi | ei haaroisi | 3rd sing. | olisi haaronut | ei olisi haaronut | |
1st plur. | haaroisimme | emme haaroisi | 1st plur. | olisimme haaroneet | emme olisi haaroneet | |
2nd plur. | haaroisitte | ette haaroisi | 2nd plur. | olisitte haaroneet | ette olisi haaroneet | |
3rd plur. | haaroisivat | eivät haaroisi | 3rd plur. | olisivat haaroneet | eivät olisi haaroneet | |
passive | haarottaisiin | ei haarottaisi | passive | olisi haarottu | ei olisi haarottu | |
imperative mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | |
2nd sing. | haaro | älä haaro | 2nd sing. | ole haaronut | älä ole haaronut | |
3rd sing. | haarokoon | älköön haaroko | 3rd sing. | olkoon haaronut | älköön olko haaronut | |
1st plur. | haarokaamme | älkäämme haaroko | 1st plur. | olkaamme haaroneet | älkäämme olko haaroneet | |
2nd plur. | haarokaa | älkää haaroko | 2nd plur. | olkaa haaroneet | älkää olko haaroneet | |
3rd plur. | haarokoot | älkööt haaroko | 3rd plur. | olkoot haaroneet | älkööt olko haaroneet | |
passive | haarottakoon | älköön haarottako | passive | olkoon haarottu | älköön olko haarottu | |
potential mood | ||||||
present | perfect | |||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | |
1st sing. | haaronen | en haarone | 1st sing. | lienen haaronut | en liene haaronut | |
2nd sing. | haaronet | et haarone | 2nd sing. | lienet haaronut | et liene haaronut | |
3rd sing. | haaronee | ei haarone | 3rd sing. | lienee haaronut | ei liene haaronut | |
1st plur. | haaronemme | emme haarone | 1st plur. | lienemme haaroneet | emme liene haaroneet | |
2nd plur. | haaronette | ette haarone | 2nd plur. | lienette haaroneet | ette liene haaroneet | |
3rd plur. | haaronevat | eivät haarone | 3rd plur. | lienevät haaroneet | eivät liene haaroneet | |
passive | haarottaneen | ei haarottane | passive | lienee haarottu | ei liene haarottu | |
Nominal forms | ||||||
infinitives | participles | |||||
active | passive | active | passive | |||
1st | haaroa | present | haarova | haarottava | ||
long 1st2 | haaroakseen | past | haaronut | haarottu | ||
2nd | inessive1 | haaroessa | haarottaessa | agent1, 3 | haaroma | |
instructive | haaroen | — | negative | haaromaton | ||
3rd | inessive | haaromassa | — | 1) Usually with a possessive suffix. 2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural. | ||
elative | haaromasta | — | ||||
illative | haaromaan | — | ||||
adessive | haaromalla | — | ||||
abessive | haaromatta | — | ||||
instructive | haaroman | haarottaman | ||||
4th | nominative | haarominen | ||||
partitive | haaromista | |||||
5th2 | haaromaisillaan |
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