Inflection of happamuus (Kotus type 40/kalleus, t-d gradation) | |||
nominative | happamuus | happamuudet | |
genitive | happamuuden | happamuuksien | |
partitive | happamuutta | happamuuksia | |
illative | happamuuteen | happamuuksiin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | happamuus | happamuudet | |
accusative | nom. | happamuus | happamuudet |
gen. | happamuuden | ||
genitive | happamuuden | happamuuksien | |
partitive | happamuutta | happamuuksia | |
inessive | happamuudessa | happamuuksissa | |
elative | happamuudesta | happamuuksista | |
illative | happamuuteen | happamuuksiin | |
adessive | happamuudella | happamuuksilla | |
ablative | happamuudelta | happamuuksilta | |
allative | happamuudelle | happamuuksille | |
essive | happamuutena | happamuuksina | |
translative | happamuudeksi | happamuuksiksi | |
instructive | — | happamuuksin | |
abessive | happamuudetta | happamuuksitta | |
comitative | — | happamuuksineen |
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